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Village Hall Hire


Rental is £10 per hour.  Payment details are on the Village Hall notice board in the hall.  It is your responsibility to leave the Hall, kitchen, toilets etc in the condition you found them.  Please make allowance in your rental time for setting up and  cleaning after your event.   


Bookings by Telephone: Ruth Gill 07795 066 664 / David Taylor 015242 64944 or by email to :

Cheques should be made payable to: Burton in Lonsdale Village Hall or you can pay by BACS, details are on the noticeboard in the Hall.


Check the Calendar for existing bookings

The online calendar is for information re bookings and availability. This is managed by David Taylor, our treasurer 015242 64944


Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel a booking without 24 hours notice you will be charged 50% of the rental fee for that booking.


Keys are available from :


Ruth Gill or the Village Shop

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